Wendy Jack is an ‘Avalon Artist’

I am delighted to be recognised as an ‘Avalon Artist’ and it seems I am in very good company!!


This is what Avalon say:

‘Avalon are the leading makers of premium custom guitars in the UK and Ireland blending innovation in design with the finest materials and uncompromising traditional craftsmanship. We exist to make guitars that are technically perfect and inspiring to play. It’s what we’re renowned for – a passion for quality and workmanship, hand–crafting the finest of materials to ingrain every guitar we build with an inspiring voice.’

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I love the combination of tone woods and the workmanship that has gone into crafting my Ard Rí guitar. I also think it’s important to support talented local crafts people & instrument makers.

Wendy Jack.


Avalon Artist

A letter from The Irish President

Well, what an honour… I received a letter from President Michael D. Higgins congratulating me & wishing me luck on my latest single ’90 Degrees’ !!! If you haven’t already read the story behind the song over in the ‘Songs’ section of my website – CLICK HERE – you will discover how one of his speeches inspired my lyrics.


‘We’re pawns in our own doom – On a chess-board of fiscal moves’


Go raibh maith agat Mr President!!!


President's Letter










It’s been quite a while since I properly released any new music into the world… So I thought it was time for a single!!!

You can read the full story of what inspired the song over in the

Song section of my website HERE.

For All Who Come After Me

This week-end I created a new song…
The inspiration came from a showcase competition I read about on www.tradconnect.com They were asking people to submit songs that deal with ‘modern day emigration’. Christy Moore (a very well respected Irish musician) has agreed to listen to the songs and help find a ‘winner’. So, I sat down and started writing a list of some of the reasons why people would want to leave Ireland today. Unfortunately it became quite a long list…

However, I do love Ireland and appreciate that there are so many good things about living here. I would therefore like to think that we can ’emigrate our brains’ instead of physically leaving. We can educate ourselves and think outside of what the government, the church or the corporate media are trying to brainwash and exploit us with. We can look for inspiration in other parts of the world and learn from migrants who are now living and working with us here. Together we can create an Ireland which we are all proud to call home. So my song ‘For all who come after me’ is a protest song. It is a song of hope, and a song of determination to achieve change.

Have a listen & feel free to share or let me know what you think:


New Video for ‘Soldier’s Heart’

I took a little bit of time this week to make a brand new video for my song ‘Soldier’s Heart’. I was debating how to approach it… what footage to use etc. In the end I decided to keep it very simple…

I’m posting it this week as once again we are coming up to Remembrance Day. With 2014 being the centenary of the outbreak of WW1 the media has been covering many aspects of ‘The Great War’, WW2, and other conflicts around the world. It frustrates me when I see how war is glorified and how blatant propaganda is used to manipulate and control the population… throughout history and also now. While I don’t necessarily respect the ‘politics’ of war I do have great respect for those who have served ‘humanity’ (and continue to serve) in whatever capacity (military or otherwise) believing it to be the right thing to do. The mental and physical sacrifice is huge and we can feel the ripple effects in our society every day. I believe it is important that those suffering from PTSD (and their families) get all the love and support they need.

Thank-you again to Bill Shanley for his thoughtful and emotive guitar playing.

[btn text=”Click to BUY Soldier’s Heart” tcolor=#000 bcolor=#FF0000 thovercolor=#FFF link=”http://wendyjack.bandcamp.com/track/soldiers-heart” target=”_blank”]